Dogs Kendra

Puppy Kendra

Dogs Sparky

When mops ATTAC

A vicious mop ATTAC is nothing to sneeze at.

DeeDee Dogs

Pretty Bow

DeeDee has a thing about her red bowtie. Everyone tells her how pretty she is when she’s wearing it and she goes to each person that is in the house to show them how pretty she is and smiles.

She has a big underbite, and her lower jaw teeth are not formed properly. She has one tooth on her lower jaw that is dead center of her mouth and points forward. When she smiles, she lowers her bottom lip to show her gums and her one toof. That is her smile, the more gums you see the happier she is.

I’ll put the whole album of rescue-day-party up soon, but the short of it is once a year I have a doggie party. Since I don’t know any of their birthdays, instead we just have a dog-party, where I celebrate them. Celebrate rescuing them. Celebrate the joy they bring.

Dogs Sparky

Sparky’s Octuple Canines

Sparky has 8 canine teeth. He has all 4 of his baby canines, and the permanent canines have erupted, but they did not push the baby teeth out the way it normally happens. He’s lost 3 of the baby teeth so far (one upper baby canine tooth is still there) but this picture is from when he had all 8, 4 permanent coming out and the 4 baby teeth. It can cause problems if they don’t eventually come out, but there is some time still left in that window. The fix is having the veterinarian remove the baby teeth (they don’t have roots, so it’s not a huge deal).